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Meet Ann Hunt. First time Mum who like many of us is trying to juggle motherhood, career and side hustle passions. We asked Ann a few questions about her experience with motherhood so far, setting up her nursery and what life looks like now.

What’s the date today? 

25 June 2020 

Tell us a bit about yourself?  

I’m a first time Mummy to Niyah who recently just turned 8 months old. I am currently spreading myself thin trying to figure out how to be a Mum, work full time & keep the side hustle going.  

My favourite movie is Lala Land. I think I’ve watched it over 50 times. 

I’ve always loved the long Summer days, but strangely enough since becoming a Mum, I’m growing to love the long winter nights. 

Where do you live? What do you love about it? 


I grew up in the Inner West of Sydney & as a child the view outside our window was of the Summer Hill train tracks. I never imagined I’d ever be able to see fairy floss coloured sunsets colliding with the ocean  from my living room. I feel so lucky. 

Who is in your family?

Tye (husband), Niyah (baby boy), Toto & Chewy (Yorkshire terrier baby boys)

What has been the most surprising part of motherhood for you?

How I can feel like I’m failing 100 times a day at motherhood & then instantly feel so whole again when Niyah smiles, or giggles. 

People tell you its a different kind of love, a love you’ve never known & I totally get it now. 

What was most important to you when you were setting up your nursery? Has the space evolved over time?  

The most important thing to me was for the nursery to feel cosy, uncluttered  & gender neutral. 

We have been living in the middle of a construction site for a year and a half: during my entire pregnancy & up until Niyah was 6 months old his “nursery” was a shell of a room filled with tools & materials. 

Everything I had purchased was stored away so I was so relieved that once we finally unpacked  & arranged everything a few weeks ago, it all looked pretty cohesive.

Do you have any tips for setting up your nursery?

I think Pinterest is great for ideas but it can also be overwhelming & limit your creativity. It’s not the be all & end all.

Honestly if you want to hang a print that isn’t “cute animal” themed or of the’s okay. 

Do you have any self care tips or rituals you like to do? This may have been a little disrupted by covid… so maybe a little insight into how you are dealing with the isolation and adopting new rituals?  Do you have any reflections about isolation? 

Although it wasn’t ideal spending the last weeks of my maternity leave in isolation, it eliminated the pressure of feeling like “I need to get out the door today & be a super mummy & walk at least 5kms, run errands and socialise with other adults”.

 I just really got to spend uninterrupted time with Niyah. 

Slowing down was nice, albeit took a pandemic for us to all to slow down. 

What are your best mama hacks?

Raise your newborn in the middle of a construction site. After that they will literally be able to sleep through any noise. 



     You can catch more of Ann on instagram