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The Dreamers #62 - With Catie St. Jacques From High Lotus

The Dreamers #62 - With Catie St. Jacques From High Lotus

Self-taught graphic designer and illustrator Catie St. Jacques (@sun_keep) sure knows how to create a sense of nostalgia through her work. She is the artist behind our new women’s tees (check them out here!), and as our latest Dreamer, she shares with us her creative process, her passion for mental health advocacy, and her life in Kelowna, BC, Canada.




Hi Catie! Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Hello! I’m a self-taught graphic designer. My designs are inspired by the energy of the sun and the mystery of life. I love nostalgia, and my work tends to lean toward folksy psychedelia. I’m also a mental health advocate. I promote balanced living with a focus on positive well-being. When I’m not creating, I’m usually hanging outside, watching movies or listening to music.

Where do you live?

Kelowna, BC, Canada.

You are creative by profession, and we love your work (obviously)! Tell us how you came to be an artist. What drew you to this work?

I’ve always been a creative person, but I never really knew what to do with my creativity. I was working at an arts centre in the marketing department, and we needed to create a magazine for the centre. We didn’t have anyone at the centre to do it, and no budget to hire anyone. 

I knew a bit about graphic design thanks to my partner Dustin (who is also a graphic designer), and so I took on the task. I realised that I enjoyed doing that way more than marketing - so in my spare time, I learned the programs and played around with different design styles. 

I’m pretty introverted, so sharing my work was quite a feat for me. But I’m so glad I took the leap because once I started putting myself out there, people started reaching out for design work. Over time, I wasn’t able to balance both workloads, so I quit my job, and now I get to work from home doing something I love.

Are you full-time now?

Yes! I work as a freelance graphic designer full-time from my home.

What does your creative process look like?

It really depends on the project, but generally speaking, this is how I work: My creative process involves me getting into the headspace or ‘world’ of the design I’m creating. First, I sit and think about what I’m going to make. Then I look around the world for inspiration. Once I have the idea, I’ll put on music to reflect the mood I’m trying to go for in the design, and then I create. It’s a pretty straightforward process, but each step varies, depending on what it is I’m making. Since I’m a freelancer, I get to create my own schedule, which is super helpful for my process.

Are you inspired by the nature that surrounds you in BC?

Absolutely. I love spending time outside. The natural world is filled with so much beauty. Since I spend most of my time working on the computer, it’s really important for me to make sure I get outside.

Any exciting plans for 2023? That you can share, of course.

I’d love to create a dedicated studio space for myself (right now, I’m just all over the place in my home). The last two years have been so full that I’ve sort of pushed my own work to the side. I’d love to make more time for creative exploration that doesn’t require the use of a computer.


'You've Got To Keep Going To Keep Growing' with illustration by Catie St. Jacques, is all about folksy psychedelia, and the range is finally here!

Keep Growing Hemp Tee - Ladies

AUD $59.00

Keep Growing Hemp Tee - Kids

AUD $49.00

Keep Growing Hemp/Organic Cotton Playsuit

AUD $49.00

Growing A6 Greeting Card

AUD $6.99