The Brightside: Easy and Eco Halloween Crafts For The Kids!

Halloween can be such an exciting time for kids - dress ups, decorations, trick or treating with neighbourhood buddies. However, as parents we are often left cringing by this time of year. Terrified of the sugar high meltdowns, guilty over the unnecessary waste of plastic or single-use decorations and costumes.
We are here to help! Let’s get crafting and colouring with some more planet-friendly Halloween alternatives.

Classic Pumpkins:

Recycled Paper Banners:

Mason Jar Lanterns:

Natural Wreaths:

Recycled Fabric Ghosts:

Paper Masks:

Free Colouring-In Activity
We have made some Day of the Dead
(Día de los Muertos) style sugar skull masks for the kids to use as a colouring-in activity as well as wearing out and about this Halloween. Enjoy!
More from the Brightside blog:
The Brightside: The Magic Of Bedtime Stories
The Brightside: Strawberry Loaf - Perfect For Lunch Boxes
The Brightside: Australian Marine Conservation Society
Shop Banabae for fun times trick or treating: