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The Brightside - Using ‘Atomic Habits’ Principles To Go Plastic-free

The Brightside - Using ‘Atomic Habits’ Principles To Go Plastic-free

The Brightside: Using ‘atomic habits’ principles to go plastic-free.  Small incremental changes to last a lifetime.

Next month is Plastic Free July. We love this initiative for taking accountability for the plastic we consume. However, going plastic-free cold turkey for the entire month can be a little intimidating and, honestly, more like a crash diet in sustainable living.  

 Small incremental changes are thought to be the best way to implement new habits and make lasting lifestyle changes. 

 You may have heard of James Clear’s best-selling novel Atomic Habits. Here, we share how incorporating ideas from this well-renowned book can enhance your journey towards living plastic-free by making the habit-forming process more effective and sustainable. 

1. Make habits tiny, so they’re easy to start and maintain


Begin with one small change, like replacing single use straws with reusable ones, or choosing only to buy natural fibres over synthetic. This makes the habit easier to adopt and reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed.

2. Focus on systems, not goals


Instead of just aiming to “reduce plastic,” create a system where you always carry reusable bags, bottles, and utensils. This ensures consistent action towards your goal. Brands like Seed & Sprout are perfect for helping you set up this system in your home. Even better, visit your local charity shop for re-useable alternatives rather than buying new.

3. Build habits by stacking them onto current behaviours


Use habit stacking by attaching your new plastic-free actions to existing habits. For example, after you brush your teeth (current habit), pack your reusable items for the day (new habit).

4. Use habit tracking to measure progress and maintain motivation


Keep a habit tracker or use an app like Eco Hero Tracker to log your plastic-free activities. Seeing your progress visually can provide motivation and reinforce the behaviour.

5. Use accountability partners to stay on track


Share your plastic-free goals with a friend or join a community group focused on reducing plastic use. This external accountability can keep you committed.

6. Use immediate rewards to reinforce habits


After successfully avoiding plastic for a week, treat yourself to something enjoyable, like a favourite activity or a small eco-friendly product.

7. Focus on making continuous 1% improvements


Don’t aim for perfection overnight. Instead, strive to make small, consistent improvements in reducing plastic use. Over time, these add up to significant change.

8. Identity plays a crucial role in behaviour change


Shift your identity to align with being someone who lives sustainably. Instead of thinking, “I need to reduce plastic,” think, “I am an environmentally conscious person.”

9. Reduce friction to make good habits easier


Make it easy to avoid plastic by keeping reusable items in convenient locations, like by the door or in your car. The less effort it takes, the more likely you are to follow through.

10. Design your environment for success


Create a physical environment that supports your plastic-free goals. Remove plastic products from your home and replace them with sustainable alternatives. This change makes it easier to stick to your new habits.

Going plastic-free is a journey we all need to be on in order to save and protect our oceans and planet. We hope these tips give you the courage and motivation to start making changes this month and for life! 

 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has." 

— Margaret Mead

If you would like to know more about our plastic-free and sustainability journey at Banabae, you can read more here:

How We Give: Our Brand Story
Read Now

Learn more about understanding fast fashion and its role in plastic pollution.

Understanding fast fashion and its role in plastic pollution - Read Now

Shop our range of sustainable products:

Insulated Crunch Case
Don't Mess With Mother Kids Cord Cap
Keep Growing Hemp Ladies Tee
Silicone Muffin Cups

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