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The Dreamers #56 - With Melissa Ambrosini

The Dreamers #56 - With Melissa Ambrosini

Multiple bestselling author, keynote and TEDx speaker, #1 podcast host, and queen of mastering your Mean Girl. Melissa Ambrosini  is our latest Dreamer and she chats with us about her life living beachside with her beautiful family.




Tell us about your beautiful family - who is in it?

My husband Nick Broadhurst, my bonus son Leo who is 16, and my little angel Bambi.

Where do you live? Does the ocean or Australian vibe inspire your lifestyle?

Will live in Queensland, Australia on the beach and LOVE it! So yes the ocean inspires us. We are obsessed with the beach. We go almost every day (just not when it’s raining). It’s so good for your soul. Our family loves nature and being outside as much as possible, so for us living on the beach is heaven on earth.

What made you start writing? We love your books!

Thank you so much, I am so grateful. I started a blog in 2011 and began sharing my work. I loved sharing my thoughts, tips and tricks so it felt like a natural progression to write books.

What does the creative process look like for you?

Every idea always comes from my heart. I have something that I feel really passionate about and want to share, then I get to work creating it. I always start with an outline for a book and then fill it in.

How do you start with an idea and transition it into a book?

I always do an outline of all the chapters and subchapters I want to cover in the book first. This part takes time but once it’s done I find the writing and ‘filling it in’ process flow easily.

What does it feel like to feel a physical copy of your books in your hands (we imagine it is surreal!).

It’s amazing and so beautiful, and when I think about my children and them one day reading it makes me so happy.

Best piece of advice you've ever received that you'd like to share with us…

Be your own best friend. 

 For so many years I didn’t like who I was and that was a very challenging time in my life. It wasn’t until I started to treat myself kindly, like I would a best friend, that my life started to change and I felt deep happiness. We really do need to love and treat ourselves like we would our very best friend. It’s so simple but very important.

You have a top-rated podcast The Melissa Ambrosini show! What inspired you to start this?

I wanted to share my wisdom and interview the world's best experts and a podcast is a great medium to do that. I love it so much. Come check it out.

Any exciting plans with the family over the upcoming summer months?

Lots and lots of beach time that’s for sure.

Check out Melissa Ambrosini's website to find out more.


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