The Dreamers #85 - With Village for Mama

Village for Mama focuses on uniting new mothers to create a strong support system for their post-birth experience. In this interview, we connect with Leila, the owner of the business, as she shares her home life.

New mums have very little time to do anything for themselves, and a cold tea and an old piece of toast is the sad but true reality of early motherhood. Food is a love language. There is something special about eating a meal someone else has prepared for you, regardless of how simple. It makes you feel loved and cared for when you need it most. This is why I created a recipe book containing 30 recipe gift cards with a pre-written letter on each, kindly explaining the importance of the postpartum period and the essential role loved ones play in shaping a new mother’s experience.
I am deeply passionate about normalising the gathering of a village to support new mums. Village for Mama is a tool to help educate friends and family about the importance of support and nourishment during the early weeks of motherhood and the impact this has on recovery, breastfeeding, maternal wellbeing and mental health.

Gather your village:
Becoming a mother is a huge adjustment, and women experience huge changes physically, mentally and emotionally. Those early months of motherhood are amazing but also intense and overwhelming. A supportive village allows a new mum to prioritise rest, facilitate nourishment and allow for proper recovery. I know it can be hard to ask for help. We underestimate how much women are conditioned to take care of others and how that impacts their capacity to receive help. But support is the foundation for new motherhood, so surround yourself with people you can lean on and sometimes fall on.
Organise a meal train:
Now that you have your village, invite them to cook for you and your new family. Nothing beats a homemade meal delivered to your door in those early weeks. People love to help, and this is such a great practical way they can do so. It is essential for new mums to be well nourished for both their recovery and breastfeeding journey. A meal train takes the pressure off the family so they can spend more time soaking up that new baby bliss. This is why I created the recipe cards to go with my book. So you can give out the Village for Mama recipe cards to your village or at your baby shower, and it takes the awkwardness out of asking and the guesswork out of cooking!

What is your “go-to” recipe for busy families?

Any Banabae favs?
Leila Armour
- Postpartum Village
- Postpartum recipe book with recipe gift cards
- Helping mamas gather their village for a supported and nourished fourth trimester