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The Brightside: 1 Million Women fighting for climate

The Brightside: 1 Million Women fighting for climate


Each financial quarter (as part of our 1% for the planet commitments), Banabae donates 1% of total sales to a charity fighting for people and the planet.

This quarter that charity is 1 Million Women: 

Did you know: 

 The evidence is clear that empowering women and girls with education, access to reproductive health services and work opportunities can give them a better quality of life and have an enormous impact on the planet. Any charity that is about educating and empowering women is a winner in our books, and 1 Million Women seeks to do just that. 

The extreme weather events of the last few years have made it clear that climate change is an emergency issue. We are at a tipping point in history, and with a local election looming, now more than ever, we need to empower as many women and girls as possible to use their lifestyle actions, their influence, and their votes to act on climate. 

 1 Million Women operate under the preface that how we live each day matters. One small action at a time multiplied by millions and millions changes the system. As founder Natalie Isaacs states, "The world needs a lifestyle revolution. It's easy to sign a petition or put pressure on governments and march on the streets, which we have to do, but we can't do that on the one hand and then live our lives filled with overconsumption on the other." 

 As a female-owned and operated business, we are super proud to be donating to this amazing movement campaigning for and with women around the globe.

Here are some climate-friendly actions from 1 Million Women to help get you started:

Put your money where the planet needs it!

We are women of the world showing our banks, super funds and pension funds that if they’re invested in coal, oil or gas, we won’t continue to be their customers.

Take the pledge

We’re fighting food waste, and we need you.

We throw out billions of dollars worth of edible food each year, around one in five shopping bags. And, a massive 60% of the food we waste can be avoided simply by managing it better. When we waste food, we waste not just the food itself, but the time and resources that went into producing, delivering, selling and preparing that food.

Sign our pledge and share it with your friends

Sign an open letter from women to the Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison MP.

Commit to 50% emission cuts by 2030 for the sake of children everywhere, for future generations, and for us all.

Sign the open letter

If you would like to know more about 1 Million Women and join the movement, click on the link below.


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