The Brightside: Package Free Lunchbox Hacks - backup
Our top tips for easy, healthy school and kindy lunches
Here we share some easy hacks to make the morning routine a breeze.
Meal Prep Sundays:
Spend a bit of time on Sundays planning and preparing meals for the week.
- Cut up veggies and keep them fresh in containers. (Carrots will stay crunchy emersed in water!)
- Cucumbers, beans, corn on the cob, cherry tomatoes
- Cut up cubes of cheese
- Pre-boil some eggs
- Roast a batch of sweet potato chips in the oven or air fryer
- Cook up a loaf of banana bread, a batch of healthy muffins, homemade muesli bars or cookies, which will last you all week as a lunchbox snack.
We have loads of healthy snack recipes here on our blog:
Bento Box Creativity:
Dinner Leftovers:
DIY Snack Packs:
Hydration Stations:
Shop the 'Back To Kindy' range:
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