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The Brightside: Package Free Lunchbox Hacks - backup

The Brightside: Package Free Lunchbox Hacks - backup
The Brightside: Package Free Lunchbox Hacks

Our top tips for easy, healthy school and kindy lunches

Every small step toward sustainability counts! Adopting package-free lunch boxes for kids contributes to a healthier planet and significantly benefits children’s wellbeing. Healthy food options at school and kindy result in better concentration, behaviour and (most importantly to kids) energy to play. 

We know being time-poor can make it all too easy to reach for the pre-packaged goods. So, we have compiled for you a list of tips and hacks to make your weekday mornings that little bit easier. Let’s ditch the nasty single-use plastics, additives, preservatives, sugar crashes and excess salts and start the new school year with crunchy, fresh, and oh-so-healthy lunchboxes! 

 Here we share some easy hacks to make the morning routine a breeze.


Meal Prep Sundays:

This will save you! 

Spend a bit of time on Sundays planning and preparing meals for the week. 

- Cut up veggies and keep them fresh in containers. (Carrots will stay crunchy emersed in water!) 

- Cucumbers, beans, corn on the cob, cherry tomatoes 

- Cut up cubes of cheese 

- Pre-boil some eggs 

- Roast a batch of sweet potato chips in the oven or air fryer 

- Cook up a loaf of banana bread, a batch of healthy muffins, homemade muesli bars or cookies, which will last you all week as a lunchbox snack.  

 We have loads of healthy snack recipes here on our blog:

The Brightside - Nut-free Muesli Bar
The Brightside Strawberry Loaf
The Brightside - Hummingbird Muffins

Bento Box Creativity:

We all love a bento box in the Banabae office, and Seed & Sprout are our go-to! Separating different food items not only makes the lunch visually appealing but also ensures that each component stays fresh until lunchtime. Having sectioned areas allows you to make considered choices for each food group. Don’t forget more colour = more vitamins and minerals. Invest in a variety of reusable containers in different sizes to accommodate various food items. Opt for stainless steel or glass containers for durability and easy cleaning.

Crunch Box with Two Pot Set
Insulated Crunch Case Lunch Bag
Seed & Sprout Mini Crunch Box Lunch Box

Dinner Leftovers:

Pack their favourite dinner leftovers in a thermos. Great for pasta, noodles, stir fry and even soups in winter. Chop up extra veggies and salad ingredients at dinner time that you can pop in the lunchbox the following day.

DIY Snack Packs:

Instead of purchasing individually pre-packaged snacks, create your own snack packs using bulk items like nuts, dried fruits, popcorn, natural yoghurt and crackers. Buying larger portions and dividing these up into smaller containers not only reduces packaging waste but also allows you to customise portions.

Hydration Stations:

Ditch the juice boxes, cordials and sports drinks - they don’t need them! Encourage them to drink water with a cute drink bottle. Kids and adults alike love the Frank Green stainless steel range. A homemade smoothie is a great alternative option for morning tea or crunch and sip. Take them to school/kindy in a reusable smoothie cup and freeze any leftovers for afternoon popsicles when they return home. Shop the ‘Back to Kindy’ range. 

Frank Green 20 oz Ceramic Reusable Bottle - Buttermilk
Frank Green 20oz Ceramic Reusable Bottle - Blush
Frank Green 20oz Ceramic Reusable Bottle - Mint Gelato - AUD $49.95

Shop the 'Back To Kindy' range:

Spookies Stripe Eco Kids Backpack
Buttercup Floral Eco Kids Backpack
Wingin' It Hemp Tee - Kids
Reef Splice Organic Rib Twinset
Corduroy Splice Eco Kids Backpack Reef - AUD $89.00
Rad Kid Cord Bucket Cap

More from the Brightside blog:

The Brightside - Australia's Top Park Hangs
The Brightside - The Magic Of Bedtime Stories
The Brightside - Our Three In One Dinner Saver